Monday, February 4, 2013

Friendly Faces

As the weekend came around I wondered what we would do at the compound in Acumcum. The local workers went home to their families and so it left Janet, Evans and I to do the same thing as any other day - wake up, breakfast, office, lunch, rest, office and afternoon jog / walk.
On the Saturday afternoon we decided to go for a jog. Janet and I managed to complete one full lap of the old airstrip while Evans did two. After our jog we started doing some stretches and noticed that we had some spectators. A group of 6 local boys gathered about 50 metres away from us and started mimicking our movements. It was a hilarious sight.
We later went over to greet them and they showed us their local mouse traps - dry grass woven into long tubes. Once the mouse goes in it can't back out. The boys had been successful as I noticed a few legs poking out the sides. One of the mice was even skinned ready for roasting!
On Sunday afternoon we went for a walk through the village. We walked past a family's hut and the women and children were very kind and showed us their small tobacco garden and let us look inside the tukul. I nearly had to get on my knees to go inside the tukul as the entrance was so low. Inside was very dark as there are no windows. The tukul consisted of a mud floor with a small fire for cooking in one corner, chickens in another and some bedding in another. About 4-6 people sleep inside on the hard floor.
I asked if I could take a few photos and the women were very proud to pose with their garden. As soon as the camera was out the children came running from tukuls near and far. They all wanted to be in the pictures and then look at themselves. There was a lot of giggling and sign language going on between us. Despite the weekends in a rural community being uneventful and slow to my normal life, little things have happened that make me appreciate simple things.
I have been trying to upload more photos onto the blog but it is not happening. Don't worry. I will keep persisting!

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